As my footsteps seek their path
Amidst the abundance of the world
My breath whispers the silence of your stones
My bones resonate with the stillness of your solitude
My gaze reflects the vistas of your elevation
And with the pristine awareness
And boundless love that are your gift
I cherish the world.
Its forms’ ingenuity held as beauty
The heart’s tenderness is felt as a lover’s caress
And each moment’s audacity revealed
As Epiphany.

Modern Hermit
Renouncing the solitary mountaintop,
And the peace of bucolic nature
The modern hermit reclaims the ever-present
And innate freedom
Of the spirit.
Opening every pore, every sense,
Embracing with awareness
The rich play of light and form
Sound and touch.
Active in intelligence
Vast in depth and extent
Free in exhilarating movement,
Inclusive and engaged,
Exquisite in selfless sensitivity;
This is to be alive
This is to be aware
This is to celebrate the boundless nature
Of awakened being.
Modern spirituality
Integrated and urban
Presence in the midst of Life.