Questions of Identity in Uncertain Times
The path of awakening is a path of self-awareness and personal responsibility. As such, this requires first recognizing our habitual, and often unconscious, re-cycling of false narratives and ideas of personal identity.
A Day of Discussion and Meditation with Lama Drupgyu sponsored by Kagyu Sukha Choling (Ashland OR) Feb 7, 2021

Embracing the Unknown
With the Covid-19 pandemic, the true nature of existential reality - the tenuousness and fragility of our lives - has rudely and undeniably declared its presence in our personal experience. For many of us, our experience is more like the caption of a recent New Yorker cartoon:
“Other than the constant looming threat of danger, it’s a beautiful day.”
Public talk May 27, 2020

Inspiration of White Tara
Lama Drupgyu spoke with me by phone, from his home in the French countryside, about his first encounters and personal connection to White Tara, as well as his thoughts on spiritual practice in general and how yidam practice fits in.
An Interview with Lama Drupgyu, by Jane Brunette